London Fashion week Festival 2017

Yes here I am! 

London Fashion Week. Festival edition.
That means a chance to  meet lot of new designers, go to amazing and inspiring talks and be able to see a catwalk in front row. 

The store studios was the chosen venue for this event. Spacious and ambitious, perfect for the layout of  rooms and rooms for designers and new faces.

My first approach was this lovely lady in charge of the Sarah Bailey's corner.  She caught  my eye instantly  with her personality and of course....her feather coat!!
Based in London Sarah uses a huge variety of shiny colours and textures.

Please check their website Here.

Her beautiful pink hair and her folk style bring me to her.
Kirsty Pannet, the co-founder of Bangarang TV. An amazing TV production company that  and I quote " Noise factual entertainment". 

You can see more about this creative brand HERE!

RAIN!!  Yes RAIN!  This welsh brand was one of my favourites in the designers wings.
Sparkly, Elegant. Great details.

This beautiful dress that Abigail Love, Rain Director, is wearing is call EPHIPHANY also you can find another pieces like Black Cherry and Bea Mirror Tea dress and lots of original designs in their website 


I met Karen Arthur when she sat beside me in the coffee area but when I saw her coming I knew she was one of a kind. Well ...look her skirt made of a coffee sack! 

Reddskin is her brand. Freedom, creativity and Honesty her motto.

But I will write about her soon.  In the meantime you can check the website HERE!

Astrid Acatrinei

 A former model and  a really young new designer, who came for Romania to make her fashion dreams come true. 
She will be launching her own collection soon and I will be there to show everything!


This fellow blogger and Hat designer came across to me with her amazing designs in her brand Nita Sao

Anna (middle) is a fashion designer also from Romania whose motto " Aspire to inspire before you expire"

If you want to see more of her designs click here

One of the best parts of attending to fashion events and catwalks is not only the glamour and the collections is meet great inspiring people with a lot to say!

Thank you for being here !

See you next week with my review of "Mother of pearl : The catwalk"




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